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Victim's Assistance 

Official: Wendy Elston
Phone:  (402) 643-3056 (office)
              (877)-388-4673 ( Hope Crisis Center 24 hour line)
Location: Courthouse - Room 101
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday  8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Functions of Victim's Assistance 


The Seward Victim Assistance Program is committed to providing free services to survivors of crimes, including information, opportunities, referral, advocacy and support, especially in the criminal justice system processes.

On behalf of victims, we act as liaisons between victims and a variety of justice system departments. We aspire to empower and assist survivors of crime in their recovery.

Services Provided

  • Advise victim of charges being filed in the case

  • Advise victim of case status, hearings and outcomes

  • Provide confidential crisis intervention and emotional support for victim & family

  • Provide victim with community resource referrals

  • Assist victim with the process for filing a protection order (Domestic Abuse, Harassment or Sexual Assault)

  • Assist victim with the Crime Victim Compensation application for restitution 

  • Assist victim with the process of completing a Victim Impact Statement 

  • Provide support during victim meetings and depositions 

  • Court accompaniment 

  • Liaison between victim and County Attorney's Office

Where can I pick up forms for protection orders?

Forms are free and located at the following:

  • Victim Services Office (Courthouse #101) Seward, NE

  • The District Court Office (Justice Center) Seward, NE 

  • Online

Who can help me fill out a protection order?

The Seward County Victim Assistance Advocate will be happy to help you with all the forms and documentation required to submit your protection order.  The advocate is located at the Victim Services office in the Seward Courthouse #101.

Where do I file/submit my protection order after I fill it out?

Protection Orders are filed at the District Court office located in the Justice Center, 261 S. 8th St. Seward, NE.

How much does it cost to file a protection order?

Forms and filing for any protection order is free.  However, the court may assess such fees and costs if the court finds statements contained in the application were false and that the protection order was sought in bad faith by the petitioner.  

Resources and Links

Blue Valley Community Action Partnership


Child Abuse Hotline


County Attorney


Hope Crisis Center (24 hour domestic violence; sexual assault crisis line)


Low Income Legal Aid of Nebraska


Mothers Against Drunken Driving – MADD


National Center for Victims of Crime


Nebraska Coalition for Victims of Crime


NE Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Coalition


Nebraska Victims of Crime Alert Portal


If you are a victim and you need immediate assistance, please call 1-800-395-2110. If you have an emergency or are in danger, please call 911 or your local law enforcement.

529 Seward Street
Seward, NE 68434
Justice Center
261 S 8th Street
Seward, NE 68434
West Wing
320 S 14th Street
Seward, NE 68434

© 2024 by Seward County, Nebraska

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