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Seward County Detention Center

Director: Brandon Noordhoek
Phone:  402-643-9453
FAX:  (402) 643-0175
Location: Justice Center-Suite 099

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

In September 2003, Congress enacted the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). The purpose of the act is to establish a zero-tolerance standard regarding sexual abuse and sexual harassment of offenders within a correctional setting. PREA applies to all federal, state, and local prisons, jails, lockups, private institutions, and community residential facilities. PREA addresses all types of sexual misconduct in which an offender is a victim, including abuse by fellow offenders as well as sexual misconduct committed by staff.


Sexual abuse and sexual harassment in correctional institutions affect offenders, staff, and even the public.


The act established a national panel to develop a set of national standards and required the U.S. Attorney General to review and publish a final set of PREA Standards.


Seward County Detention Center PREA Policy

The Seward County Jail has enacted policies to establish a Zero-Tolerance of sexual abuse and sexual harassment to ensure that all allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment are referred for investigation.


Reporting Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment

All offenders have the right to be free of abuse while in the Seward County Jail. The Seward County Detention Center will cooperate in any criminal investigation and prosecution of anyone involved in the sexual abuse of an offender in this facility or placement. Due to the serious nature of sexual abuse, anyone knowledgeable of an offender-on-offender or staff-on-offender sexual abuse that occurs within the Seward County Detention Center is encouraged to immediately report the allegation so that action can be taken to ensure their safety. The Seward County Detention Center will respond to all reports and steps will be taken to protect the victim. In the event of imminent harm, phone numbers are provided for immediate action.

The Seward County Detention Center investigates each and every allegation of sexual abuse or harassment. They will collaborate with the Sheriff’s Office to determine if/when the case will be referred for prosecution. The identity of anyone making a report will remain confidential. All reports are investigated thoroughly and taken very seriously. The sharing of information pertaining to the alleged sexual abuse and the identity of the victim will be limited to those who must know. Sharing information regarding the victim and/or incident shall be conducted in a manner that is in accordance with all applicable policies, state statutes, and professional licensure and ethics standards.

PREA Coordinator
The Seward County Jail has a designated PREA Coordinator. That person is charged with the development, implementation, and oversight of the efforts to comply with the PREA standards. The PREA Coordinator is responsible for overseeing efforts to eliminate sexual abuse and sexual harassment in the Seward County Jail.


PREA Annual Review

PREA Final Audit Report


To report an incident of sexual abuse or harassment of an inmate, the public may use the following contact information:

Sara Stenger
PREA Coordinator
261 S. 8th Street, Suite 099
Seward, NE 68434
(402) 643-9453

529 Seward Street
Seward, NE 68434
Justice Center
261 S 8th Street
Seward, NE 68434
West Wing
320 S 14th Street
Seward, NE 68434

© 2024 by Seward County, Nebraska

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