Seward County Assessor
Official: Marilyn Hladky
Phone: 402-643-3311
Location: Courthouse - Room 305
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Check out the video above, which explains the role of County Assessors in Nebraska and discusses a few common misconceptions. Provided by the Nebraska Association of County Officials. Credit: Derrick Niederklein, MIPS Deputy Director
Functions of the Assessor's Office
The Seward County Assessor has the duty to value all real and personal property in the county as a basis for the County Board to levy taxes. The assessor must be certified by the Department of Revenue Property Assessment & Taxation in order to hold office and annually attend a training session obtain the required continuing education hours to be re-certified.
Seward County is 576 square miles in size and contains 16 precincts, 10 towns and villages. There are roughly 10,620 taxable property parcels. Inventory of all taxable property, including quantity, quality and important characteristics;
Determination of the extent of taxability of each property;
Estimation of market value of each taxable property;
Calculation of the assessed value of each property;
Preparation and certification of the assessment roll;
Notification to the owners of the assessed value of their properties;
Upon appeal by the property owner, appearance and defense of both value estimate and methods used to establish value; and
The Assessor is responsible for discovering, listing, and valuing all taxable property in Seward County.
Personal Property Schedules
Personal Property schedules must be filed annually by May 1st to avoid a penalty. If you have filed in the past, you are able to file online. You would have received a postcard from the office with information how to file online. First time filers have to file in the office. You can always mail, fax, or send in your form along with your Federal Depreciation Schedule.